Outline of Group P
Plan and execute Projects:
This area is where your planning and execution potential gets wings to
fly. Let’s discuss under NDA!
Under collaboration agreement with the largest world-wide patent brokerage firm in Silicon Valley, we will help re-activate idle patent asset of Japanese technology and manufacturing companies which have long been negative to do so, taking advantage of world-wide concept shift on IP asset strategy.
Tying up with young and capable IT industrialist in India with a large presence in India’s market, we will help create unique value-added data services through Japan technology and system in a market that now has over 500 million subscribers and is now the world’s second-largest cell market.
Going ahead of the famous $100PC Project proposed by MIT’s Prof. Negroponte, our Indian partner has established a $100 network PC with server-centric computing in India on commercial basis. It is ideal for homes, education institutions and SMBs. We are to polish-up this domestic product to world-class masterpiece through Japanese technology and know-how.
Utilizing English conversation and intelligence of high IQ handicapped person in the Philippines and, together with “skype” internet communication tool, we are offering very efficient and economical person-to-person English conversation course for needed Japanese businessman
We are to develop and cell CMC (Carbon Micro Coil) products with many features.
(Project Under Development)
We are developing needed cell-phone-based Dental Notebook from informed-consent purpose and patients satisfaction purpose
(Project Under Development)