P09Z004 Indian PC Project

Going ahead of the famous $100PC Project proposed by MIT’s Prof. Negroponte, our Indian partner has established a $100 network PC with server-centric computing in India on commercial basis. It is ideal for homes, education institutions and SMBs. We are to polish-up this domestic product to world-class masterpiece through Japanese technology and know-how.


    Excluding top 100MM “high income” population, for majority of 1 Billion+ population, PC is still too expensive and therefore not popular. Attempts to use second-hand PC has not gone too far on account of maintenance/different specs/etc. In this coming “cloud” age, we have a new hope. PC should not be so complicated. From that viewpoint, India, as well as China, can offer huge market potential of “simplified PC”, and Indian position is better on account of political stability an language , and can be considered to become the base of world class refined PC.

Project Outline & Features

    Prof. Negroponte of MIT Media Lab. has been proposing needs for $100 PC even with government support, but our Indian business partner has accomplished this target in the form of network computer with server-centric computing on commercial basis, way ahead of the Professor. Our objective of this Project is to refine and polish up this ambitious tool to world-class product through “Japanese technology + Indian costs and market” concept.

What we want to accomplish

    We will find a group of engineers to upgrade the current Indian-domestic $100PC to make a world-class product using bright side of Japanese cell phone and camera technology—smaller, more refined and more reliable—

Matters we expect from our Partner(s)

    In general, Indian business is not so familiar, and partners might be confused by their different thinking cycle—logic-first etc. We would expect you to learn these matters quickly, using your long business experience, and to find the “value adding “ Japanese parties for the Project.

Magnitude of the Project and Partners’ Compensation

    Usual “even distribution”

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