Effective and non-poisonous chaser flavor for unwelcomed animals (boar, deer, wild dog and cat, fox, mouse, mole and snakes


    This product is an artificial flavor made from natural flavor materials approved by Min. of Health. Not poisonous. Unwelcomed animal hate this flavor to the extent to keep away from the barrier created by splay or paint of this flavor material for two to three months.


    1:Target animal- boar, fox, deer, sable, mouse, rat, dog, cat, mole and snakes , maybe more.
    2:The evasion effects are tested and confirmed by a technology collage. 
    3:This is NOT animal poison, No harm to their lives 
    4:Product is in oil-based liquid, granule or cake form in plastic bottle. Deposit of its 25gr in 2 m distance forms “wall of flavor” to chase out the animals for 2-3 mount.

    Product Catalog for GolfClourse?

    Product Catalog for farmers?

    Matters we expect from our Partner(s)

      We are in the final stage of field efficacy test which results will be announced by the end of July. Partners are expected to sell this product to farmers’ union, local governments, golf courses and etc. upon completion of the field test.

    Partners’ Compensation

      10% from sales (tentative)

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