Introduction to reliable advisor / executor of organization for its defense from unreasonable outside attack


    This is a known fact that all farms and organizations are subject to many unreasonable attacks from all directions ( full- and semi-outlaws, yellow papers, un-realistic neighbors customers and clients/patients and professional trouble makers) with increased tendency . In the same time, farms cannot be prepared for million different troubles effectively.    Usual remedy for these troubles is to hand the trouble over to company lawyers which sometimes does not work on account of his specialty. This is where you should look for the solution to outside specialists.


    The consultant company to entrust this task is consisted of several ex-police detectives specialized to handle outlaws. They are holders of “consultant license for administrative handling” . A group of specialists for the task. Knowing both side of police activities, this group gives clients very proper yet effective advices and solves problems on behalf of the client when appropriate, fully using valuable results of on-the-job training and experience of detective era. Tasks are carried out in accordance with terms and conditions of individually executed consulting agreement and agreed-upon fees and costs. Retainer service agreement with monthly fixed fee to handle small tasks is also acceptable, for more convenience and to reduce clients’ expenses.


    We Japanese are not so good to sell ourselves and it is against old-fashioned tradition. So we agreed to split the task to two portions: Carry out the project by this ex-police organization, and sales and marketing of the project by PRIME INC.

Matters we expect from our Partner(s)

    In the marketing side of this project, matters each clients need to discuss and to entrust are something not too proper to advertize. This is where long time business experience of each partners and his personality are coming to picture.Be a warm and understandable uncle.

Magnitude of the Project and Partners’ Compensation

    Basically 25% of net fee income to this consulting company

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